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It is a good idea to start your author website as soon as possible, even if you haven’t yet published your first book.
Building your author platform and establishing your online presence can take time, and having a website can help you promote your work and connect with readers.
Here are a few scenarios in which you might consider starting your author website:
Before Publishing Your First Book: If you are in the process of writing your first book, you can start building your author platform and establishing your online presence by creating a website. This can help you generate interest in your work and build a following before your book is published.
When You Sign a Book Deal: If you have recently signed a book deal, it is a good time to start building your author website. This will help you promote your book and build your brand as an author.
When Your Book is Released: If your book has already been released, it is not too late to start your author website. You can use your website to promote your book, connect with readers, and build your platform for future projects.
Overall, it is never too early or too late to start your author website. Building your online presence as an author takes time, so the sooner you start, the better positioned you will be to promote your work and connect with readers.