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In leu of all the recent changes to low-content book publishing on KDP, our non- eligibility to obtain free ISBNs, and the inability for us to use the “Look Inside” feature without an ISBN, publishers are left wondering if these changes will also restrict us from using A+ Content to showcase our books.
I wanted to give you a quick update on my recent conversations with KDP Support surrounding this question.
On May 22, 2022, I contacted KDP Customer Support 3 separate times throughout the day and asked the same question. Are low-content books still eligible to utilize A+ Content?
I wanted to get answers from multiple reps and confirm the answer they gave to be true across the board. Often, KDP support will give you different answers based off the rep’s knowledge of the topic, or lack thereof.

The answer I received from all 3 reps was, in fact, consistent, and was as follows: As of this date, A+ Content has not been affected, and low-content publishers are still able to fully utilize this feature with or with an ISBN.
One rep told me that A+ Content is given based off of ASIN numbers (which we all still have when we list anything on Amazon), not ISBN numbers.
Below are screenshots of 2 of the conversations I had today with KDP Support. The 3rd conversation accidentally got deleted before I had the chance to screen shot it, which was a real bummer because this was the conversation that explained A+ Content being based off the ASIN number. It was also confirmed in this conversation that no changes that they are aware of will be made to our ability to utilize A+ Content in the future. There are typos in both of these conversations, so apologies in advance! 🙂
Conversation 1 (May 22, 2022)

Conversation 2 (May 22, 2022)

Hopefully, that is helpful to some of you who have been really distraught about your books not being able to use the “Look Inside” feature now unless you purchase and supply your own ISBN number.
I know some of us LCB publishers create and design some really elaborate interiors, and it’s discouraging to think there would be no way to showcase those interiors on Amazon for our potential customers.
For those of us making more than just lined notebooks, our interiors are major selling points to our product, and the inability to show them would severely handicap our business.
A+ Content is actually better than the “Look Inside” feature, in my opinion, because you can literally show your customer whatever you want, and how much you want. As opposed to the “Look Inside” feature where Amazon gets to pick and choose what, and how much, your customer sees.
To learn more about creating A+ Content, check out this post: KDP A+ Content – The Game Changer To Sell More Low-Content Books On Amazon.
If you are struggling with finding some good, high volume, keywords to use when making journals, check out this post: 100 Hot Low-Content Journal Keywords on Amazon Revealed